3 questions to ask before you leave the big practice to start your own

You’re a health professional and you’re good at your job, otherwise, you wouldn’t be thinking of starting your own practice. But it’s a big decision, bigger than just spending more hours, or seeing more clients. Starting your own practice is a decision to dive into the world of the entrepreneur. It starts out tough but there’s great reward in the journey. So consider these three pieces of advice from entrepreneurs who took the plunge from a comfortable job to a startup.
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1. Have you thought about the sacrifices?

Consider all the ways this choice will affect your life and those who depend on you. Are you prepared to reduce your living standard? Create a budget and try to imagine your life without some of those little luxuries. Starbucks, carry-out dinners, new shoes- whatever your indulgence, imagine your life without it.

Also, consider your ego. There’s a chance this may not work out. How will you feel about that? Will you allow yourself to go back to your old practice? It’s hard, but it’s really important to honestly examine how you personally handle failure and uncertainty. After all, the life of an entrepreneur is filled with uncertainty.

2. Are you prepared?

You’re great at what you do… but you’re going to have to do more than that. You’re going to have to learn about things you never even thought of… how to negotiate an office lease, facebook marketing, and selecting the right HIPAA compliant vendors. Not only will you be a therapist, you may also be an office manager, an accountant, maybe even a handyman. Are you flexible and eager to learn?

3. Can you keep moving forward?

The road will be bumpy. At first, you’ll only have a few clients and plenty of time to second guess your decision. But if you’re optimistic at heart, you’ll make it through. The key is thinking positively and creatively when facing challenges. Being an entrepreneur is tough, but that’s why you want to do it. Sure there is a money reward, but there’s also growth along your journey. So if you’re the type of person who sees the positive side of challenges, you are prepared to be an entrepreneur. Welcome! We look forward to seeing you along the path.

Tell us about your entrepreneurial plans. Or, if you’ve already taken the leap, what advice would you give to others?
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