9 of the Best Speech Therapy Games

A collage of different colored letters and toys, signaling different kinds of speech therapy games online

As an SLP, you might be on the lookout for ways you can engage your clients in your sessions, and speech therapy games can be a great way to do that. Regardless of the age of your clients, games can be a great way for them to overcome any feelings of shyness, move their bodies in sessions, and just overall feel more engaged with their treatment. 

Here, we have a breakdown of different quick speech therapy games you can play with your clients in sessions. These speech therapy games work for kids or adults, and can be used in a virtual or in-person practice. 
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The Benefits of Online Speech Therapy Games

Online speech therapy games are great for the hybrid SLP. You can play these games while screensharing on a speech therapy telehealth appointment, or you can play them on a computer or tablet during an in person session as well. 

Online speech therapy games can also be a great way to save space if you have a small office or travel to your clients. And, if it’s an internet-based game, you can work with your client and their care team so they can play the games and work on the associated skills outside of their sessions with you. 

Depending on the game, online speech therapy games can help target articulation, receptive and expressive language, social communication skills, and a lot more. 

Online Speech Therapy Games to Try

1. Language Playroom
Language Playroom is a free website with tons of different online speech therapy games. You can choose games for different language levels (emerging, developing, etc) and to target different skills, like articulation, vocabulary, fluency, and more. 

2. SLP Video Games
SLP Video Games is a site built and run by an SLP to help engage his clients during sessions. There are a few different games focusing on different target areas, and each game has sets of flashcards you can choose from to help personalize your treatment. 

SLP Video Games does require a paid membership to fully access all the games, but you can try two of the games before you sign up to see how they work and some of the material included. 

3. Toy Theater
Toy Theater is a free website with tons of language, reading, learning the alphabet, and more. Depending on the age and language level of your clients, these games can help with reading and language foundations to set them up for success. 
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Speech Therapy Games for Preschoolers

It can be tricky to get younger children to sit still and focus through an entire session. These speech therapy games for preschoolers can help get them active and stay engaged throughout their sessions. 

4. Articulation Station
Articulation Station is an app-based game that you can play either in a virtual environment or in person with your clients. The app has word, sentence, and story-level games, so you can adapt your treatment based on your client’s age and needs. The games in the app can help with word finding, sentence fluency, and pronunciation. 

5. Hide and Seek with Words
Hide and Seek with Words can only be played if you work in person with your clients, and can be a great option if you offer home-based care, or if your office is big enough to move around comfortably. 

To play this speech therapy came for preschoolers, hide cards with pictures around your space, and have your client search for the cards. Each time they find one, have them name and pronounce whatever is on the card. 

If you want to adapt this game for slightly older children who can read, you can use cards with target words or sounds on them as well. 

6. Word Hopscotch
You’ll also need a bit of space to play this speech therapy game. You can draw hopscotch with chalk if you have outdoor space, or you can lay out the game with painter’s tape on the floor inside. (There are also tons of fun options for a hopscotch rug that you can have in your office space.)

Once you have your hopscotch field, lay cards or pieces of paper with your client’s target words or sounds in each square. Have your client complete the hopscotch course and say each word or sound as they land on it. 

Speech Therapy Games for Adults

At first glance speech therapy games might seem like a better fit for younger clients, but they can be a great way to mix up your sessions with adults as well. These speech therapy games for adults can be played during a telehealth or in person appointment, and can also be adapted to be played in a group, if you offer any kind of group sessions. 

7. Heads Up!
Heads Up! Is a game you can play on a smartphone or tablet that’s a combination of trivia and charades. To play, the person who will be guessing the words holds their phone up to their foreheads so everyone else can see it, and then the rest of the players have to act out what word is on the screen. This game can help with learning to speak in turn and other nonverbal communication clues, as well as word finding. 

8. Sound Focused Game
There’s no limit on the number of players you can play this speech therapy game for adults with—so you can do it one on one with your client, or encourage them to play it in a group outside of sessions as well. 

In this game, choose a sound your client wants to target, such as “s” or “t.” Then take turns saying sentences out loud that use as many words that start with that target sound as possible. For example, if you’re targeting ‘“s,” you might say “My sister Sarah sat sideways in her seat by the sea.” 

9. Name Game
This speech therapy game for adults helps with word finding. To play, choose a category, and have your client name as many things in that category as they can think of. If you want to add a competitive edge and have enough people, you can split into teams and set a time limit for each category. 

These are just a few examples of some fun and quick speech therapy games you can play with your clients in sessions. There are a lot of resources and apps for SLPs out there you can use to help keep your clients engaged during sessions, while still making sure they’re learning skills to communicate with confidence.
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