Is Walk-and-Talk Therapy Right for Your Practice?

Therapist engage in walk and talk therapy through a wooded trail in the fall

If you’re wondering whether walking therapy or walk-and-talk therapy would be a good fit for your clients and for your practice, read on. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and ethical considerations.

As any private practitioner can attest, flexibility and creativity with your treatment methods are essential to achieving that breakthrough and getting your clients where they want to be. 

Offering the option for walk therapy sessions can be a simple way to take your therapeutic practice outdoors and beyond the couch.

Many therapists, including behavioral health therapist and licensed psychologist Lori Roberto, PhD, appreciate the opportunity to combine the therapeutic benefits of nature, along with movement and mindfulness to enrich their clients’ experience. This provides a new approach that may invigorate psychotherapy sessions with the addition of fresh air and movement.

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What Is Walk-and-Talk Therapy?

Also sometimes referred to as hiking therapy, walk-and-talk therapy has become an increasingly popular alternative to in-office sessions and telehealth visits. 

Walking therapy involves taking your therapy sessions outdoors. The setting can be a public park or on local trails. 

Movement, whether it’s a leisurely walk or a brisk hike, can make it easier for some people to discuss their feelings.

Clients may prefer to move or walk as opposed to sitting across from their therapist in an office or looking through a screen. 

Some practitioners find walk-and-talk therapy particularly helpful for teenagers and younger clients.

Other professionals have also found that some of their clients are more at ease in nature, which improves their ability to open up through walking therapy

Sitting down for a one-on-one conversation in close quarters can be uncomfortable for some clients, so taking the conversation outside can help relieve some of that pressure. 

For practitioners who desire more official walk and talk therapy training Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado offers a master’s degree program in ecopsychology and the University of New Hampshire offers a dual Master of Science degree in social work and kinesiology: outdoor education. Additionally, the University of Michigan offers courses and a certification program in adventure/experiential-based social work.

Finally, for those interested in learning through service, the Outward Bound Learning Lab may also be an option.

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Is Walking Therapy Right for My Clients?

As with all new modes of treatment, consider your individual clients and their specific needs before suggesting walk-and-talk therapy.

Walking therapy may be a great option for people who exhibit a lot of fidgeting or excess energy during sessions or for those who feel uneasy with maintaining direct eye contact and sitting still. 

Some therapists have noted that physical movement during sessions encourages psychological movement, and can even accelerate client breakthroughs. 

The endorphins that exercise produces has a known positive impact on mental health.

Following a therapeutic walk session, Roberto has noticed her clients to be more energized than after traditional therapy sessions.

For healthy and able-bodied clients, outdoor therapy sessions can enhance their ability to navigate particularly difficult issues. These sessions in nature can also leave clients feeling refreshed in body and mind.

All that said, you’ll need to take the physical as well as the mental health of your client into consideration before suggesting walk-and-talk sessions.

Consider your local terrain, weather, accessibility to benches and water fountains on your route, and any underlying health concerns your client may have before making the leap. 

If you do decide to introduce this mode of therapy to your practice, have an open discussion with each client about what they’re comfortable with and capable of. 

This will help you decide if walk therapy suits your client’s needs. 

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Are There Any Ethical Concerns With Walk Therapy?

Aside from any potential physical concerns, there are some ethical questions to consider before your first walking therapy session with a client. 

Once you venture out of the office or the living room, you have less control over the privacy of your session. 

There’s the possibility that you and your client will see someone your client knows, or you may come across someone who recognizes you as a mental health professional. 

Depending on how busy the park or the trail is, there’s also a chance your conversation may be overheard.

These concerns may not bother some clients and won’t change their preference—but for others, giving up the privacy and confidentiality of their sessions may not be worth the sunshine and fresh air. 

Discuss any concerns prior to your first walk-and-talk therapy session, so you can make an informed decision together.

Set up boundaries with your clients beforehand, like how they want to proceed if they do see someone they know, or how often they want to stop to rest and drink water. 

That way, when you’re out on the trail, you can use the walk to focus on your conversation—not distractions. 

What Are the Insurance or Legal Concerns and Limitations?

No matter how carefully groomed the trails are or how well kept your public park is, there are always more risks associated when you’re not in a more controlled environment like your physical or virtual office.

When and if you decide that  walk-and-talk therapy is the right choice, you’ll need to make your client aware of the risks, and make sure you and your practice are legally covered in case something happens. 

Use an informed consent form to make sure your clients acknowledge that you will only be acting under the scope of your license.

Make sure your clients are aware of the risks before you go on your first therapeutic walk, and consult your regulatory board or your insurance carrier if you have concerns.

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READ NEXT: How Time Outdoors in Nature Benefits Mental Health

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