• Business

    The stories demystifying the business side of private practice.

    Andy Melton loves SimplePractice's Onboarding Workflow

    How SimplePractice Transformed My Onboarding Workflow

    While waiting for my daughter’s optometrist appointment to wrap up, I received a voicemail from a potential client. I stepped … Continued

    how to keep your private practice calendar full

    How to Fill Your Calendar to Focus on the Right Things

    When you start your private practice, it can feel like you have a blank calendar and only vague ideas about … Continued

    A woman sits at a desk looking at a calculator.

    How to Navigate Private Pay vs. Insurance for Clients and Patients

    Whether clinicians in private practice choose to accept private pay, insurance, or individualized payment plans for clients and patients (who … Continued

    Therapist looks up ICD and CPT codes for billing insurance

    How to Write a Tactful Collection Letter to a Therapy Client

    As a solo practitioner, it’s your responsibility to manage your business, which includes billing and collections. You’re detailed and organized. … Continued

    Jill Shook using SimplePractice on her laptop.

    Insurance Credentialing and Next Steps for Therapists

    When you’ve completed the work of getting credentialed with insurance companies, you’re officially an in-network provider. Congratulations! So… what now? … Continued

    A therapist meets with a business consultant, who specializes in coaching for therapists.

    Coaching for Therapists

    You may have noticed an increasing trend of coaching services becoming more accessible and more niche over the years—and of … Continued

    Hands of a female therapist using a calculator while calculating her tax write-offs for therapists

    11 Overlooked Tax Write-Offs for Therapists and Clinicians

    Are there tax write-offs for therapists you might be overlooking? It’s essential to know which expenses, fees, and costs incurred … Continued

    A female therapist looks at IRS tax forms as she subtracts her tax deductions for therapists

    Tax Deductions for Therapists and Private Practitioners

    Are you aware of the latest tax deductions for therapists, aka “tax write-offs,” you may qualify for? Even if you’ve … Continued

    A family of three watches the sunset. Generational trauma can affect your private practice, read this article to find out how to heal and in turn thrive in your business.

    Overcoming Generational Trauma to Thrive in Private Practice

    As I build relationships with other therapists in my coaching business, one of my favorite things is hearing why they … Continued

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