• Business

    The stories demystifying the business side of private practice.

    Improve the Financial Health of Your Practice (Part 3 of 3)

    In Part 1 and Part 2 of Tips to Improve the Financial Health of Your Practice, we covered insurance and … Continued

    simplepractice therapist billing & practice management software

    SimplePractice is the Most Popular Therapist Billing & Practice Management Platform

    SimplePractice was recently named the #1 Most Popular Therapist Billing & Practice Management by Zencare, an online service that connects … Continued

    SimplePractice Blog: Winter weather and the need for telehealth

    Cold Winter Weather and the Need for Telehealth

    Don’t let the elements disrupt care As a Buffalo native, I have more than a passing familiarity with inclement weather, … Continued


    4 tips for finding great Continuing Education

    In any health and wellness profession, initial training is only meant to get you in the door. Training programs provide … Continued

    Upward trending graph above image with hands pointing to laptop computer.

    Tips to Improve the Financial Health of Your Practice (Part 2 of 3)

    Picking up from Tips to Improve the Financial Health of Your Practice (Part 1), here are some more actions you … Continued

    Outline of graph over desk with glasses, phone, notebook, and computer.

    Tips to Improve the Financial Health of Your Practice (Part 1 of 3)

    ‘What’s the financial health of my practice?’ It’s a question that many business owners don’t ask often enough or at … Continued

    3 Reasons Why We Lose Clients With 5 Solutions to Increase Retention

    In a client survey, we received the following feedback: “I’ve had a hard time reaching my therapist after the initial visit. … Continued

    man juggling many tasks and trying to prioritize

    Prioritization Matters: How to Decide What to Do First

    As a therapist business owner, there are a million things you could be doing. You can create a gorgeous social … Continued

    The Three Money Realms of Private Practice

    Have feelings about money? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? Almost without exception, issues related to money and fees come … Continued

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