• Business

    The stories demystifying the business side of private practice.

    A laptop has the latest SimplePractice group practice EHR features displayed on the screen.

    SimplePractice Delivers Innovative Group Practice EHR Features

    It can be demanding to wear all the hats necessary to run a successful private practice. And, for those who … Continued

    A clinician uses the integrated measurement-based care feature in SimplePractice, on their computer.

    What Is Measurement-Based Care and What Are Its Benefits to Practitioners?

    I’m three sessions in with my new therapist, when she shares what looks like an intake form I’ve already completed.  … Continued

    A female group practice owner smiles into the camera, upon successfully switching EHR systems.

    How and Why Group Practices Are Switching EHR Systems

    Electronic health record (EHR) systems can save wellness practitioners and therapists time by helping to streamline and automate administrative tasks. … Continued

    A clinician on a laptop listing the four types of administrative functions in the EHR that are must-have functionalities

    The Essentials List: Four Types of Administrative Functions in the EHR

    EHR functions can significantly benefit therapists by organizing and automating record-keeping and administrative tasks. In this article we list four … Continued

    A therapist sits at her desk and reviews a HIPAA breach notification letter that she wrote.

    How to Notify Clients About a HIPAA Breach

    Most modern mental health practices gather and store client information digitally. Doing so can be convenient and secure—improving the efficiency … Continued

    An occupational therapist (OT) private practice owner uses their iPad to find resources.

    Lessons Learned Carving My Own Path as an OT in Private Practice

    My journey as an occupational therapist (OT) began over 20 years ago—a drastically different time.  Technology wasn’t what it is … Continued

    An abstract art piece, with blue and orange hues. An example of art for therapist offices.

    Art for Therapist Offices

    When considering art for therapist offices, it’s essential to keep in mind that artwork can completely change the look and … Continued

    A therapist uses ChatGPT on her laptop.

    How Therapists Are Using ChatGPT to Tackle Admin Work

    Earlier this year, I began exploring the use of AI and ChatGPT in mental health practice. After publishing my thoughts … Continued

    A therapist sits holding her cellphone to her ear listening to hipaa compliant voicemail script

    How to Write a Therapist Voicemail Script for Any Private Practice

    Wondering how to write a therapist voicemail script? One you can use as an outgoing confidential voicemail greeting for your … Continued

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