
The stories redefining the health and wellness industry.

An illustration of a head with a tangle of thoughts inside it as the person learns about the bias in mental health clinical licensing exams.

The Controversy Over Racial Bias in Mental Health Clinical Exams

Clinical exams are used as a licensing requirement for all U.S.-based behavioral health practitioners. However, these mental health clinical exams … Continued

A collage of two hands, palms facing up. In each hand is a collage of a city skyline.

Why Therapists Are Getting Licensed in Multiple States

For therapists, getting licensed in multiple states used to be relatively uncommon. However, a number of social shifts helping to … Continued

Two female practitioners in a mentorship relationship discuss the results of the SimplePractice mentor survey

Data Suggests Mentorships Can Hugely Benefit Mental Health Practitioners

Survey of more than 900 mental health practitioners finds a significant mentorship gap:  77% of women practitioners agree mentorship programs … Continued

A woman sits looking in a mirror.

Working Through Weight Stigma

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word “stigma”? Perhaps shame, guilt, or moral impurity. Now, what thoughts … Continued

An image of two people hugging with with illustrated hearts in the background.

How Should a Therapist Respond When a Client Says ‘I Love You’?

When a client says “I love you” in session, how can therapists respond—so as to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship? … Continued

Ethics Consult: Should I Write Letters on Behalf of Clients?

Dear Ethics Consult, I’ve been practicing psychotherapy for seven years now. In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten more … Continued

rise of AI apps in mental health

ChatGPT and AI in Therapy and Mental Health

What is chatbot therapy? Is there an AI therapist? Are people really using ChatbotGPT for therapy instead of going to … Continued

An illustration of colorful brush strokes on a lavender background

How to Be a Culturally Responsive Speech-Language Pathologist

Human beings are most likely to rely on their implicit bias in three situations: in situations that involve ambiguous or … Continued

A female speech-language pathologist discusses speech therapy techniques for stuttering with her adult client

Speech Therapy Techniques for Stuttering

As a speech-language pathologist, you hold a wide range of tools at your fingertips to address stuttering. Speech therapy techniques … Continued

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