The stories redefining the health and wellness industry.
The Monarch Directory Is Nominated for a Webby Award
The Monarch directory by SimplePractice is nominated for a 2023 Health and Wellness Webby Award. What Is the Monarch Directory … Continued
The Controversy Over Racial Bias in Mental Health Clinical Exams
Clinical exams are used as a licensing requirement for all U.S.-based behavioral health practitioners. However, these mental health clinical exams … Continued
Why Therapists Are Getting Licensed in Multiple States
For therapists, getting licensed in multiple states used to be relatively uncommon. However, a number of social shifts helping to … Continued
Data Suggests Mentorships Can Hugely Benefit Mental Health Practitioners
Survey of more than 900 mental health practitioners finds a significant mentorship gap: 77% of women practitioners agree mentorship programs … Continued
Working Through Weight Stigma
What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word “stigma”? Perhaps shame, guilt, or moral impurity. Now, what thoughts … Continued
How Should a Therapist Respond When a Client Says ‘I Love You’?
When a client says “I love you” in session, how can therapists respond—so as to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship? … Continued
Ethics Consult: Should I Write Letters on Behalf of Clients?
Dear Ethics Consult, I’ve been practicing psychotherapy for seven years now. In the past couple of years, I’ve gotten more … Continued
ChatGPT and AI in Therapy and Mental Health
What is chatbot therapy? Is there an AI therapist? Are people really using ChatbotGPT for therapy instead of going to … Continued
How to Be a Culturally Responsive Speech-Language Pathologist
Human beings are most likely to rely on their implicit bias in three situations: in situations that involve ambiguous or … Continued
Speech Therapy Techniques for Stuttering
As a speech-language pathologist, you hold a wide range of tools at your fingertips to address stuttering. Speech therapy techniques … Continued