• Marketing

    The stories personalizing the marketing side of private practice.

    A woman wearing headphones using a microphone in front of a rainbow collage background.

    How to Grow Your Private Practice Using Neighboring Audiences

    As a clinician in private practice, you may not have considered getting in front of audiences and niches as a … Continued

    How to develop brand identity

    How to Develop a Brand Identity That Attracts Clients to Your Practice

    When I was a new therapist early in my clinical career, I was first exposed to the concept of branding … Continued

    A woman waves on a screen while on a video call.

    3 Tips to Make Online Networking Work for You

    Online networking. Long considered the domain of introverts and business owners who couldn’t find a sitter, online networking has since … Continued

    Four people in dark scrubs stand together looking at a folder.

    The 3 C’s of Business Collaboration

    The phrase “collaboration over competition” has been rising in popularity in a lot of professional settings. It’s a phrase that … Continued

    A person sits down holding their phone on their lap. Little cartoon likes and comments are coming out of it.

    3 Ways to Build a Social Media Presence as an OT

    The rise in popularity of social media over the past decade has impacted several facets of our society including entertainment, … Continued

    A young black woman sits on her laptop, talking on a cell phone.

    3 Private Practice Marketing Strategies You’re Already Using

    Chances are, your professional education and training didn’t emphasize (or even include) the skills it takes to run a business. … Continued

    A woman sits in front of a laptop holding a recording mic.

    Tips to Prepare for a Podcast Interview

    So, you landed an invitation to appear on a podcast—congratulations! This is an exciting accomplishment. It’s also where most guests … Continued

    woman on the phone with a client smiling

    6 Steps to Convert a First Call into a First Session

    One of the most challenging parts of private practice is connecting with potential clients during that initial phone call. Whether … Continued

    SimplePractice Website EHR Integration

    Private Practice Website and EHR Integration

    If you have a private practice website or listing page on a mental health directory, it’s important to consider an … Continued

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