
The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

Female therapist massages her pained shoulder while doing her therapist self care plan

Therapist Self-Care Checklist

If you’re seeking therapist self-care ideas and information, we’ve got you covered. Self-care for therapists is absolutely essential.  In honor … Continued

A woman wondering how to talk about suicide comforts another woman having suicidal thoughts

How to Talk About Suicide

If you’re wondering how to talk about suicide, you’re not alone. Suicide is an incredibly difficult topic. Even therapists, counselors, … Continued

Female therapist who needs help learning how to overcome procrastination falls asleep at their desk

How to Overcome Procrastination

If you’re wondering how to overcome procrastination or searching for scientific ways to stop procrastinating, we’ve got you covered.  This … Continued

colorful abstract art

Overcoming Personal Barriers to Self-Care

As part of my work and personal experience with burnout, I created a tool to help myself and other practitioners … Continued

person caressing self alluding to affordable self-care plans

How to Create an Affordable and Sustainable Self-Care Plan

Sometimes, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite. As a psychotherapist, I spend a lot of my day encouraging … Continued

A shard of a mirror reflects the eye of a therapist with imposter syndrome as she ponders how to overcome her imposter syndrome

4 Ways Therapists Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

If you suffer from imposter syndrome as a therapist, you’re not alone. Even therapists who have been in the business … Continued

Woman outdoors in nature walking in a field of yellow flowers ponders how nature affects mental health

How Time Outdoors in Nature Benefits Mental Health

Spending time outdoors in nature can improve our physical and mental health, research shows.  And, as it turns out, the … Continued

artistic watercolor banner of flames symbolizing professional burnout in practitioners and caregivers

How Practitioners Can Bounce Back From Burnout and Thrive

A few years ago, I was in my mid-thirties and seemed to really be hitting my stride in a lot … Continued

A watercolor image of dark clouds at sunrise.

Practicing Self-Compassion as a Therapist

As helping professionals, each day we open our ears to our clients’ stories of distress, suffering, and unsolved problems. We … Continued

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