• Wellness

    The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

    A woman doing a yoga pose in front of an illustrated background

    How Using Mindfulness in Therapy Can Help Your Clients

    Have you ever left a session with a client feeling like you couldn’t get through to them? Maybe they were … Continued

    SimplePractice | How to Take a Vacation | out of office

    How to Take a Vacation as a Private Practitioner

    Over the last twenty years or so, the number of adults seeking mental health treatment nearly doubled. In many ways, … Continued

    A blue and yellow watercolor abstract painting.

    The Tension in Therapy: When Personal Emotions Arise in Session

    Let me set the stage: it’s January 2022. It’s dark and cold outside. I’m tired, inching toward the end of … Continued

    A hand in front of a dark background

    What is Somatic Experiencing?

    There’s much ado right now about meditation. A CDC report in 2017 noted that more than 14% of Americans had … Continued

    A black and white photo of a man smiling over an abstract watercolor background.

    Monotasking: How We Reclaim Our Attention

    Over the past two years, we’ve all experienced the boundaries in our lives collapse. The lines between work, school, and … Continued

    A collage of people running around a public place.

    Using Gratitude to Overcome the Comparative Suffering Trap

    I’m a dual citizen of the US and Canada. This has some pros and cons, but one of the biggest … Continued

    An illustration of a hand drawing a chalk line between a pink watercolor area and a grey area.

    Setting Healthy Boundaries as a Helping Professional

    There is a clip in an episode of season 3 of the sitcom Seinfeld where Jerry goes to pick up … Continued

    A pair of hands holds a coffee mug. A collage of colors is swirling out of the mug.

    Managing Pandemic Stress for Established Working Moms

    The past eighteen months have been uncertain for everyone, but that doesn’t mean the usual life changes have stopped happening. … Continued

    A collage of a hand holding an umbrella in a stormy sea.

    Sacrificial Helping Syndrome: Why Do We Give More Than We Have?

    Most of us became therapists because we want to help people. Maybe we’ve entered this profession because something traumatic or … Continued

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