• Wellness

    The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

    Avoiding the Martyrdom Trap as a Psychotherapist

    As a profession, we are caring, engaged, and interested in social change, and yet in the best of circumstances only … Continued

    Does Meditation at Work…Work?

    When I walked into SimplePractice on my first day a few months ago, I instantly felt that this place was … Continued

    5 Self-Care Activities for Groups That Promote Overall Wellness

    Self-care activities for groups will keep participants engaged and teach them how to be kind to themselves. Your groups are … Continued

    5 Stress-Reducing Activities for Families

    Keep a list of stress-reducing activities for your clients to use with their entire family, regardless of whether you treat … Continued

    How to Create a Self-Care Journal: 4 Ideas for Journaling Paths to Improvement

    Dedicating time to a self-care journal helps counselors fight burnout. “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” —Isaac … Continued

    7 Foods for Stress Relief

    7 Types of Stress Reducing Foods Clients Learn to Love

    A list of stress-reducing foods helps your clients practice self-care As Julia Child said,“People who love to eat are always … Continued

    Why is Self Care Important for Mental Health Practitioners?

    Why is self-care important when you’re the counselor, not the client? Your clients may ask you, “Why is self-care important?” … Continued

    19 Free Resources for Mental Health Professionals

    With so many free resources for mental health professionals available, how can you choose which to try first? Who was … Continued

    4 Kids Anxiety Apps To Share with Parents

    Kids anxiety apps are changing how parents help their children Parents of young children suffering from anxiety will do anything … Continued

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